
Monday 1 July 2013

Phantom of the Opera: Drop waist dress and layers!

A couple of weeks ago, my lovely Mum came down to see me! We went to watch Phantom of the Opera in the midst of the storm.... 

After: Hair is significantly flatter
Posing with some of the themed area they had set up
Our view of the stage
There is quite a story behind us even getting to the theatre! We were getting ready to go out, when Mum realised she had forgotten her pants she was going to wear! Luckily, her top was more of a tunic. We were wondering what on earth she would wear on the bottom half (it was very cold, no chance of going barelegged), when she realised she had a pair of long-johns in her bag! So.... here's a great tip! Even if you forget your pants, you can still wear long-johns as leggings, especially when it's going to be dark and most of your legs will be covered by boots. 

Then, when we went to the lobby of the hotel to order taxi, we were told there was going to be a half hour wait (obviously in a storm no-one wants to be walking anywhere). The show started in half an hour! So, I called my flatmate to see if she could pick us up. 

We got a bit lost and ended up being dropped somewhere close but we still had to walk a little bit to get to the theatre. All of a sudden, the wind started going crazy! There was nothing to hold onto anywhere nearby, and so the wind was practically pushing me over! I thought I was going to fall flat on my face! Luckily my Mum got a hold of me and held me from flying away. Tip #2: Don't wear heels when its raging gales outside.

We arrived at the show a little dishevelled, and saw a lot of other very layered-up, rain drenched people. But all in all, it was a great show, and a great weekend. I forgot how much of a creep the Phantom of the Opera is. 

Long-sleeved tee: (XS) Cotton On
Dress: Gap Kid's XL (12) General Issue
Knit tights: Small, Columbine from Farmers
Boots: Soda (5) from Wild Pair