
Sunday 3 March 2013

Shopping Sunday

Unfortunately for me, this was not a SHOPPING shopping day, but just merely a flat outing to the Sunday fresh produce market and the grocery store... However, I was still going to be out on display to the public, so I couldn't really stay in my pyjamas all day! It was a little colder today (writing this now wearing a fluffy hoodie and lap covered in a blanket!) but I was determined that I would not pull out the winter jackets yet! As it turns out, a light cardigan was enough for today.

And here is an indepth picture of the cardigan!
- Tshirt from Supre
- Floral jeans from Just Jeans, shortened and hemmed, in this picture they are cuffed also
- Bag/Cardigan both secondhand from a cousin. The cardigan is a little big for me, but I love the design so much I wear it anyway. The sleeves are a little wide, but I've been too lazy to take them in, and instead just wear them rolled up.
- Shoes from Novo
- Necklace from Max
- And of course - the all important accessory - A hairtie!

It took me aaaaages to find a highnecked tshirt! I looked in basically every chain store I could find, but they were not to be found! Eventually, I found one, in Supre of all places, which is not known for its... Conservatism, but alas! There was one there, and in my size, and everything in store was 30% off, just as an added bonus!

I hope you all had a magnificent weekend... For me tomorrow means the start of a new year at university, and lots and lots of work! What does it mean for you??

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