
Monday 24 June 2013

OOTD: Black & Maroon Pairing

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

I am so tired recently! I keep going to bed way later than I should, and then can't fall asleep! It's having serious effects on my skin - I noticed wrinkling under my eyes this morning! And I'm not even 20 yet!! Definitely shows the importance of keeping hydrated and getting a good night's sleep. Just like Mum tells you.

Blazer: Kid's blazer from Target (10); Jumper: Glassons (6); Shorts: Max (6); Shoes: Hannah's (5)

After a weekend of procrastinating from study, I spent many hours aimlessly browsing the internet. I watched a ton of videos from Youtuber Jen from From Head to Toe. Then I stumbled across - Wendy's Lookbook! Her scarf video (here), is extremely well done and also very useful! She also has a blog (here), which is something my poor wee blog can only aspire too! 

Another of my favourites is Jean from ExtraPetite. Both Wendy and Jean both have an amazing sense of style (with budgets that I would love to have!). If you happen to be here on this blog reading this, and haven't checked out these youtubers/bloggers - do it! Even if it only produces envy for their amazing wardrobes!

And hurrah! The weather in Wellington is finally clearing up! After refusing to leave the house for 3 days while it was storming outside (as I don't have a car to get around), the sun is finally out!

It always seem strange to me that while I'm here freezing in multiple layers, on the other side of the world everyone will be in their summer clothes!

I want to thank people who do visit and read my blog! Hopefully it is at least partially worth your time! 
Feel free to leave comments with ideas or anything really!

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